Provide details Step 1: Enter your info below.Step 2: Submit a logo/photo and text to promote your venue. Have them ready!Note: Your subscription will be approved within a week. You can then go to the Add your events page. 1Contact info2Venue info Your name Business name Phone Email Next Maybe you are already in our system? No, It is the first time I subscribe Yes, but update my text and photo of last year Yes, use my text and photo of last year Why people should visit you Your logo/photo to go with the text (2mb max) Ref (optional) BBW rules I agree to the BBW participation rules: Participants are wholly responsible for their events and venues. Organisers of the Belgium Beer Week and the Beer Idiots vzw are not responsible or liable for these events or any actions occurring due to Belgium Beer Week, including any cancellations or omissions. We undertake in good faith to do our best to make Belgium Beer Week a success. Previous Sign up