Belgian beer culture was recognised as an Intangible Cultural Heritage in November 2016 by UNESCO…something we already knew as Belgians.
Where, you may ask does that culture exist? It is not so intangible after all. It resides in the passion for beer, brewing and bars. It resides in the hearts of our brewers, traditional brewers, family brewers, Trappist communities, bar owners, beer experts and writers. It also resides in beer enthusiasts here and around the world. And it resides in the various brewing traditions and styles such as lambics, gueuzes, Flemish red ales, saisons, Spéciale Belge, triples, doubles and the derived styles being developed by the new brewers.
It is this culture that Belgium Beer Week celebrates every year during the last week of August. Here, we have collected a list of the beer museums, collections and beer cultural centres that you can visit during Belgium Beer Week. There you will discover a bit of the history and a whole lot of that passion.
NOTE: Please check these places are open before you go. Passionate beer people need holidays as well and they may not always keep to the times listed on the websites! Some are working brewers and bars and you might need a reservation.
Brussels Museum of the Gueuze, Cantillon, 56 rue Gheude, 1070 Brussels
One of our favourite places to visit, as one can wander through the brewery, see the equipment in use and visit the upper and lower bars to taste some amazing beers. You can also subscribe to the museum and receive a regular publication packed full of history and updates. Contact: Brewery: +32 2 521 49 28 / Visits: +32 2 521 49 28 or +32 2 520 28 91
Schaerbeek Museum of Beer, Avenue Louis Bertrand 33-35, 1030 Brussels
Truly a work of passion by a beer club in a room packed with mementoes and a small bar where you can try their beers. What’s more the Barboteur craft bar is a two minute walk away on the same street and Mule Brewing just 5 minutes away. Open on Wednesdays and Saturdays from 14 to 18h. Contact +32 470814300,
Museum of the Belgian Brewers, Grand Place 10, 1000 Bruxelles
Run by the Belgian Brewers association, this museum in the cellars of Brewers House, a historical building that is the headquarters of the association in an amazing location. See implements, brewing and fermentation tubs, a boiling kettle and the material found in an eighteenth-century brewery. Get served a beer in its café. A much larger museum is in the offing at the old Bourse building and that will be grand. That one should be open next year? We are not sure when but its creation seems to be speeding up. Open Wednesday to Saturday from 11-18h. Contact 32 25114987 /
Lambiek Visitors’ Centre (Biercentrum De Lambiek), Gemeenveldstraat 1, 1652 Alsemberg
You should definitely visit as part of your tour of lambic brewers and blenders in the area. This is a well-done museum and explanation of the lambic culture, along with a movie theatre, bar and seating area. From 13-18h.
Contact: Tel. +32 23591636 /

You will also find displays of historical brewing implements at Boon Brewery, Oud Beersel, Brouwerij Timmermans, Brewery De Kroon and ‘t Apostelken. De Kroon has preserved an entire brewery building complete with a malting area. Call them to find out if you can tour their collections.
Hopmuseum Poperinge, Gasthuisstraat 71, 8970 Poperinge
A neat little museum devoted to hops in a town that holds itself as Belgium hop capital. It’s an amazing town to visit, given its traditions and history. Find out about stilt walkers Open Tuesday to Sunday and holidays 10-17.30 h (closed December, January and February).
Contact: +32 57 33 79 22 /

Musée des Bières Belges, rue de la Gare 19, 5170 Lustin
The museum/bar presents thousands of beer glasses and bottles and advertising items from breweries and hundreds of Belgian beers to taste or buy. It organises beer tastings and Belgian beer knowledge quizzes. Usually only open on weekends and holidays from 11-19:30h.
Contact +32(0)81 41 11 02 ou +32(0)475 73 79 89. Email:
Bocholter Brouwerijmuseum, Dorpsstraat 53, 3950 Bocholt
The museum has its origins in one of the oldest family breweries in Belgium. Billing itself as the largest brewery museum in Europe, the 4000 m2 space holds a collection that tells the story of Belgian beer art from 1758 to the present. You can visit the Bocholter Brewery Museum on Wednesdays and Fridays in July and August. A guided visit starts at 13.30 h and lasts about two hours.
Contact: +32 89 48 16 76 /

De Snoek Brewery Museum, Fortem 40, 8690 Alveringem
Housed in the historic site of the Malt-house and Brewery Museum De Snoek is q complete, authentic brewery and malt-house dating from the 19th century. This piece of industrial heritage takes you back to the pre-industrial time of hot ovens, steamy breweries, and chilly fermenting cellars. You can also sample some traditional brews there. Open from 10.30-22h. Closed on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
Contact: +32 58 28 96 74 /
Maison Leffe, 23, Charreau des Capucins, 5500 Dinant
An ode to one of Belgium’s most iconic beers and cool beer museum. For the entrance fee you end up with a beer in the museum’s garden overlooking the Meuse River and Dinant.
Open 7/7 from 11-19 h. Contact +32 82 22 91 91.

Biermuseum Rodt, Tomberg/Rodt 89A, B-4780 St.Vith
Features some 4000 bottles of different beers with corresponding glasses and various implements. You can also try their blond or dark beer after going for walks in the woods. Open weekends and holidays 10-18 h.
Contact: Tel.: +32 80 22 63 01 /+32 80 22 64 17 /
Bruges Beer Experience, Breidelstraat 3, 8000 Brugge
Set in the historical centre of Brugge the museum offers interactive displays on Belgium’s beer heritage where you can sample ingredients and taste brews of varied styles, Trappist and abbey beers, and the brewing process. Open 10-18 h.
Contact +32 50 69 92 29/ +32 496 76 45 54 /