Breathtaking Beers & Banging Beats @Worcester
TripelB Belgian Beer Cafés 9 Copenhagen St,, WorcesterGeuzes en Lambieken bij Proeflokaal De Hoppenaar @Arnhem
Proeflokaal De Hoppenaar Zwanenstraat, ArnhemBreathtaking Beers & Banging Beats @Worcester
TripelB Belgian Beer Cafés 9 Copenhagen St,, WorcesterBelgian Beer Week at Fuggles Beer Cafe @UK Kent
Fuggles Beer Cafe Grosvenor Road, Royal Tunbridge WellsGeuzes en Lambieken bij Proeflokaal De Hoppenaar @Arnhem
Proeflokaal De Hoppenaar Zwanenstraat, ArnhemDuchesse de Bourgogne awaits you at Brewery Verhaeghe @Vichte
Topic Tours Beer and Brewery Tours St.-Dierikserf 1, VichteViaje al Reino Belga: Escuelas y Tradiciones Cerveceras @Santiago
Krossbar Orrego Luco Orrego Luco, SantiagoBreathtaking Beers & Banging Beats @Worcester
TripelB Belgian Beer Cafés 9 Copenhagen St,, WorcesterBelgian Beer Week at Fuggles Beer Cafe @UK Kent
Fuggles Beer Cafe Grosvenor Road, Royal Tunbridge WellsBelgium Beer Week no EAP @São Paulo
EAP Empório Alto dos Pinheiros R. Vupabussu, 305, PinheirosGeuzes en Lambieken bij Proeflokaal De Hoppenaar @Arnhem
Proeflokaal De Hoppenaar Zwanenstraat, ArnhemHarmonização com Cervejas Belgas @Goiânia
Dona Lupulina Cervejas Especiais AVENIDA VIENA QD. 36-A, LT. 02, Nº 540, GoiâniaMexican food and Belgian beer pairing @Mexico
Academia Mexicana de Enogastronomía Playa Manzanillo, Ciudad de MéxicoThe Big Dove La Chouffe Quiz @London
The Dove Freehouse and Kitchen Broadway Market, LondonBreathtaking Beers & Banging Beats @Worcester
TripelB Belgian Beer Cafés 9 Copenhagen St,, WorcesterBelgian Beer Week at Fuggles Beer Cafe @UK Kent
Fuggles Beer Cafe Grosvenor Road, Royal Tunbridge WellsBelgium Beer Week no EAP @São Paulo
EAP Empório Alto dos Pinheiros R. Vupabussu, 305, PinheirosOut of the Brew: Belgium Beer Week Special Offers @Hongkong
Out of the Brew Shin Hing Street, HongkongBelgian beer and cheese pairing / Cata de quesos y cervezas belgas @Zaragoza
Antwerpen Beer Tours AntwerpenGeuzes en Lambieken bij Proeflokaal De Hoppenaar @Arnhem
Proeflokaal De Hoppenaar Zwanenstraat, ArnhemENSO Special Offer: $50/Pint Blanche de Bruxelles Witbier @Hongkong
Enso Dolford Mansion, Shop D&E G/F, 1-3, Chatham CtIntroduction to Belgian Beers @Asunción
Sacramento Brewing Co Santisimo Sacramento 655, Parque El TallerMario Kart Championship at Tipsy Tribe @Brussels
Tipsy Tribe Brewery & Distillery Chau. de Jette 374,, KoekelbergThe Great Belgian on the Wroclaw Market @Wroclaw
Ministerstwo Śledzia i Wódki Wrocław Rynek, WrocławThe World of Lambic – The art of aging and blending @Mexico
Chela De Playa Taproom (Playa del Carmen) Calle Flamingos, Playa del CarmenDegustação Vertical de Heritage @São Paulo
De Halve Maan Brasil R. Mogi Mirim, 83 -, Vila Bertioga SPBeer & Sweets Tasting Hoppiness Brussels @Brussels
Hoppiness Brussels Avenue de Jette, BrusselsBreathtaking Beers & Banging Beats @Worcester
TripelB Belgian Beer Cafés 9 Copenhagen St,, WorcesterBelgian Beer Week at Fuggles Beer Cafe @UK Kent
Fuggles Beer Cafe Grosvenor Road, Royal Tunbridge WellsBelgium Beer Week no EAP @São Paulo
EAP Empório Alto dos Pinheiros R. Vupabussu, 305, PinheirosOut of the Brew: Belgium Beer Week Special Offers @Hongkong
Out of the Brew Shin Hing Street, HongkongOuter Range Brewing Co. (US/FR) Tap Takeover @Brussels
Dynamo - Bar de Soif Chaussée d'Alsemberg 130, Saint-GillesSemana de las cervezas de Bélgica @Mexico
Muci (Museo de la Cerveza De Irapuato) Calle 5 de Febrero, Irapuato1º Concurso Belgium Beer Week @Rio de Janeiro
Bastogne Brew Center Avenida dos Democráticos, Rio de JaneiroGeuzes en Lambieken bij Proeflokaal De Hoppenaar @Arnhem
Proeflokaal De Hoppenaar Zwanenstraat, ArnhemBeer and Food – Belgian Edition @Paraguay
Sacramento Brewing Co Santisimo Sacramento 655, Parque El TallerBrewstillery tour at Tipsy Tribe and local beer tasting Hoppiness Brussels @Brussels
Hoppiness Brussels Avenue de Jette, Brussels +1 moreBeer and Food Belgium Edition @Fernando De La Mora
The Hop: Craft Beer House 10 de Julio, Fernando de la MoraBreathtaking Beers & Banging Beats @Worcester
TripelB Belgian Beer Cafés 9 Copenhagen St,, WorcesterBelgian Beer Week at Fuggles Beer Cafe @UK Kent
Fuggles Beer Cafe Grosvenor Road, Royal Tunbridge WellsOut of the Brew: Belgium Beer Week Special Offers @Hongkong
Out of the Brew Shin Hing Street, HongkongSemana de las cervezas de Bélgica @Mexico
Muci (Museo de la Cerveza De Irapuato) Calle 5 de Febrero, IrapuatoOuter Range Brewing Co. (US/FR) Tap Takeover @Brussels
Dynamo - Bar de Soif Chaussée d'Alsemberg 130, Saint-GillesBrassagem Aberta 2º Edição @Blumenau
Império do Cervejeiro Brewshop R. Mariana Bronnemann, 56, BlumenauGeuzes en Lambieken bij Proeflokaal De Hoppenaar @Arnhem
Proeflokaal De Hoppenaar Zwanenstraat, ArnhemBelgian Beer Week Flight Feature and Bottle Sale! @Henderson
The Cask South Stephanie Street, HendersonVisit Brewery ‘Oud Beersel’ on Saturday – NL – 11:00 @Beersel
Oud Beersel Laarheidestraat, BeerselBeer Yoga at Tipsy Tribe @Brussels
Tipsy Tribe Brewery & Distillery Chau. de Jette 374,, KoekelbergVisit Brewery ‘Oud Beersel’ on Saturday – EN – 12:00 @Beersel
Oud Beersel Laarheidestraat, BeerselDe la Senne Brewery guided tour & tasting (FR/NL/ENG) @Brussels
Brasserie de la Senne Drève Anna Boch 19-21, BrusselsVisit Brewery ‘Oud Beersel’ on Saturday – EN – 16:00 @Beersel
Oud Beersel Laarheidestraat, BeerselBelgian Beer and Bar Snacks Pairing Tasting @UK Norwich
The King's Head - Norwich 42 Magdalen St, NorwichVisit Brewery ‘Oud Beersel’ on Saturday – EN – 17:00 @Beersel
Oud Beersel Laarheidestraat, BeerselThe World of Flanders Ale – Sour Beers and More @Mexico
Chela De Playa Taproom (Cancún) Avenida Huayacán, CancúnBelgian meets Paraguayan: A beer bonanza micro festival! @Fernando De La Mora
The Hop: Craft Beer House 10 de Julio, Fernando de la MoraBeer & Sweets Tasting Hoppiness Brussels @Brussels
Hoppiness Brussels Avenue de Jette, BrusselsBreathtaking Beers & Banging Beats @Worcester
TripelB Belgian Beer Cafés 9 Copenhagen St,, WorcesterBelgian Beer Week at Fuggles Beer Cafe @UK Kent
Fuggles Beer Cafe Grosvenor Road, Royal Tunbridge WellsOut of the Brew: Belgium Beer Week Special Offers @Hongkong
Out of the Brew Shin Hing Street, HongkongGeuzes en Lambieken bij Proeflokaal De Hoppenaar @Arnhem
Proeflokaal De Hoppenaar Zwanenstraat, ArnhemWeek of Events
Serdecznie zapraszamy na wyjątkowe wydarzenie z okazji Belgium Beer Week! Od poniedziałku do soboty będą Państwo mogli w pełni zanurzyć się w smakach Belgii. To niepowtarzalna okazja, aby spróbować znakomitych belgijskich piw, które idealnie uzupełnią tradycyjne polskie potrawy z naszego menu. Od środy do soboty specjalnie dla Państwa wprowadzamy do naszej oferty wykwintne belgijskie dania, […]
Breathtaking Beers & Banging Beats @Worcester
Breathtaking Beers & Banging Beats @Worcester
Join us for a week of phenomenal beers & 4 days of live music! On tap from Monday 26 August will be: Paix Dieu Tripel; Struise’s Dirty Horse; De La Senne’s Zinnebier; Rodenbach Alexander; Chimay Gold; La Trappe Dubbel; Zot Blonde; De Koninck; Chouffe Session; Liefmans Fruitesse; Vedett Pilsner & Vedett Extra White. As usual we […]
Belgian Beer Week at Fuggles Beer Cafe @UK Kent
Belgian Beer Week at Fuggles Beer Cafe @UK Kent
11 Belgian Beers pouring on tap across the week and a great range of bottles too. Featuring treats from the likes of Cantillon, De Struise, Brabandere, Halve Maan, Orval, Tilquin, St Bernardus, De La Senne and lots more... You can view the full tap list here as well some special bottles
Belgian Beer Week in Misery Beer Co @Aywaille
Belgian Beer Week in Misery Beer Co @Aywaille
Welcome at the manor's brewpub to enjoy a nice Misery beer, or a bottle from our selection of Belgian and foreign craft beers !
Belgium Beer Week 2024 in Źródło Niebanalnych Piw i Alkoholi! @Warsaw
Belgium Beer Week 2024 in Źródło Niebanalnych Piw i Alkoholi! @Warsaw
We invite you to the stores in Warsaw at Towarowa 35 street and Skoroszewska 26 street, we are one of the few specialist companies that have been operating for 10 years and have such a wide range of Belgian beers! Come and check it out!
Belgium Beer Takeover @Usk
Belgium Beer Takeover @Usk
To celebrate Belgium beer week, four of our six taps will be pouring different styles of delicious Belgian beer all week! From lambic to Trappist, we'll have a Belgian beer for everyone. And on top of this, our brand new bottle fridge will be stocked with even more beautiful Belgic brews. The Belgians are taking […]
De Halve Maan Tap Takeover @Southampton
De Halve Maan Tap Takeover @Southampton
BELGIAN BEER WEEK DE HALVE MAAN TAP TAKEOVER 26th AUGUST - 1st SEPTEMBER Belgian Beer Week 24 is nearly upon us! This worldwide celebration is a non-profit collective effort to celebrate one of the world greatest Beer cultures! Our part in this year's celebrations will be a Tap Takeover event with none other than Brouwerij […]
Belgium Beer Week @Goiânia
Belgium Beer Week @Goiânia
Starting from 5:00 PM Event Synopsis: Belgian traditional dishes will be served to pair with Belgian beers, and there will be a raffle for prizes. Horario do evento à partir das 17:00 Sinopse do evento pratos típicos belgas serão servidos para harmonizar com as cervejas belgas e sorteio de brindes
Beer Tasting in Taproom @Leuven
Beer Tasting in Taproom @Leuven
Do you fancy a dose of hoppiness? Then visit the local brewery De Coureur, where Bart and Ine brew innovative beer on a small scale that can only be tasted on site, fresh from tap (no, we don't bottle, you can ONLY drink our beers in the taproom)! A bit hidden in a residential area […]
Belgium Beer Week in Just Crafted @Lublin
Belgium Beer Week in Just Crafted @Lublin
Z powodu Belgium Beer Week, dajemy rabat -10% na wszystkie piwa z Belgii albo w stylu belgijskim. Z prawie belgijskimi frytkami smakuje jeszcze lepiej
Belgium Beer Week no EAP @São Paulo
Belgium Beer Week no EAP @São Paulo
Belgium Beer Week - 26 de agosto a 2 de setembro On tap, 11 cervejas belgas: Blanche de Brugs Brugse Zot Blonde Brugse Zot Dubbel Cantillon Geuze Cantillon Saint Lamvinus Delirium Tremens Delirium Red Duchesse de Bourgogne Duchesse Red Straffe Hendrik Tripel Straffe Hendrik Quadrupel Carbonade Flamande - A semana toda, no almoço e jantar. […]
Out of the Brew: Belgium Beer Week Special Offers @Hongkong
Out of the Brew: Belgium Beer Week Special Offers @Hongkong
It’s that time of year again where we get to celebrate all things Belgian beer! As if we needed another reason 🇧🇪🍻 August 26th - September 1st sees Belgian Beer Week return, so we’ll be spending all week highlighting these timeless classics with a few specials: * $68 pints of Saison Dupont and Tripel Karmeliet […]
Open (Belgium) Bottle Weekender @Amsterdam
Open (Belgium) Bottle Weekender @Amsterdam
August 30 through September 1, all the beers that are in our always well-stocked refrigerators will open. But this time you don't have to devour the entire contents of the bottle. But you can just taste a glass of everything. How nice to discover new belgian beers this way. Will you be there?
Belgian weekend in Opole! Dear friends, we invite you to an extraordinary event that will take you straight to the heart of Belgium! Only here, at the Ministry of Herring and Vodka, you will have the opportunity to try original Belgian beers and taste traditional dishes from this beautiful country. This is the perfect opportunity […]
Stoute Proost Release @Leuven
Stoute Proost Release @Leuven
As part of the Belgium Beer Week, we put our Belgian craft beer in the spotlight with a very special release.Beer Idiot Dieter Proost created his creative beer dream, together with Vleesmeester Brewery and Malcroys Brewing: Stoute Proost! A classic russian imperial stout with Belgian dino cookies.
Celebration of Belgian Beer culture @Vaasa
Celebration of Belgian Beer culture @Vaasa
As part of the Belgium Beer week we will celebrate all good things with Belgian beers offering you a big selection on both taps and bottles throughout the week! Many of the beers never available in Finland before.
Semana de las cervezas de Bélgica @Mexico
Semana de las cervezas de Bélgica @Mexico
Acompáñanos en una fascinante charla donde exploraremos el origen y las tradiciones detrás de las cervezas de Bélgica. Conoceremos sus estilos más emblemáticos. English: Join us for a fascinating talk where we will explore the origins and traditions behind Belgian beers. We will learn about their most iconic styles.