Let's celebrate Belgian beer culture together: 26 August-1 September

A co-creation event

Whether you are a craft beer bar, brewer, bottle shop, beer club, event organiser or a traditional brown bar, be bold and join us in an opportunity to attract beer lovers by creating unique experiences over seven days of fun. The fifth edition will be even bigger and better. Belgian and international participants hosted over 130 events in 2023. Belgium Beer Week is organised by 啤酒白痴 vzw, a non-profit registered in Belgium.

Meet Belgium Beer Week’s ambassadors in Brazil and South/Central Americas, Hong Kong, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, the United Kingdom and the United States here: https://belgiumbeerweek.be/our-ambassadors/

Join now, add events later - all for no cost

在以下网址注册您的场地 https://belgiumbeerweek.be/add-venue/ to join. Then add your events: https://belgiumbeerweek.be/add-my-event/

您只需举办一次活动 during the week. We encourage you to add many more. If you already regularly hold beer events related to Belgian beer or showcase Belgian beer styles and culture or are an example of a Belgian bar, brewer or tradition then you can highlight that as well. These can be events you regularly hold featuring Belgian beer and food or special events, such as creating the brown bar experience, or holding a tour for example. 


- 推广 网站和在线日历 
- A 页码 您可以为每项活动添加文字、照片和徽标,并在我们的日历中列出。
- 促销活动 of BBW24 and events through our partners, in the press, online calendars and 有机和付费社交媒体 职位。
• Belgium Beer Week coasters and stickers (In Belgium you can collect by contacting us / international participants can 下载 数字版本并根据需要打印)

We are a 非赢利 supported by 啤酒白痴 vzw.

What you do for everyone

We are counting on you to launch innovative events this year. In previous editions participants have hosted live beer canning, tap takeovers, mini-festivals, beer glass blowing, talks on beer archaeology, tours, music and other fantastic events.


  • 推广自己的业务和活动。
  • Adding your logo and events to the BBW calendar.

提示:在 Facebook 上宣传您的活动,并将比利时啤酒周作为您的协办方,以确保活动在我们的日历中得到宣传。使用 @ 比利时啤酒周# 比利时啤酒周

注意: 一周内的相同活动(如赠品或折扣)在日历上只宣传一次。我们追求的是质量,而不是数量

比利时啤酒周组织者和 "啤酒白痴 "不对在您的场所发生的任何事件或损失负责。



Ahmed ElAmin: +32 475 937 194
Bas Boiy: +32 488 050 003

道格-梅洛在中拉美-- Linkedin – 在 Facebook 上
何鸿毅在香港 在 Facebook 上
保罗-戴维斯在英国 Linkedin – 在 Facebook 上
波兰的帕维乌-莱辛斯基 - Paris 在 Facebook 上
Stu Stuart in the US –在 Facebook 上

Copyright © 2024 比利时啤酒周
